About Us

About Us

Our Story

Hi there!

We’re Vonn and Meng, two sisters who enjoy everything about food!

Welcome to our home kitchens, where we love to cook, bake, and take pictures of delicious food.  Most importantly, we enjoy sharing it all with friends and family!

As a Chinese family of eight who immigrated to Southern Wisconsin, food was the one constant that helped keep us in touch with our native and new culture. For our parents, and especially our mom, cooking for us was the best way to share something they had grown up with. They found joy in the way food always brought us together.

As kids, we were always curious about the dishes our parents created and new dishes we were exposed to in Wisconsin. Helping out in the kitchen, learning their techniques, and taste testing were things we truly enjoyed.

As adults now, our family continues to create traditional Asian dishes and other cultural dishes that bring us together even though we may be separated by hundreds of miles.  Meng lives in Minnesota with her husband and two children, while I live in North Carolina with my husband, son and puppy. Our parents and four other siblings are spread around Minnesota and Illinois.  Despite the physical distances, we all communicate with each other every day.

Our appreciation for food and what it represents is why we wanted to start this food blog.  It will be a documentary of sorts of our family and what food means to us.

We love incorporating our background and heritage into our food while also continuing to build on different seasonal ingredients to create something fresh and new. Exploring new recipes, building on what we learned to love as kids results in simple, delicious, and healthy food that brings families and friends to the table.

Coming from a family that loves to eat and that food bring us closer, it was inevitable that my sister and I would do this together. That’s So Fung!

Thanks for stopping by!